KenTrade rolled out the National Electronic Single Window System (NESWS) in 2013. NESWS has been providing services at no cost and therefore the reliance on the Exchequer for support in maintaining the system. To ensure sustainability and continuous improvement, it has become necessary for KenTrade to levy a nominal charge for services rendered to ensure sustainability of the system and efficient service delivery.
The services, charges and effective dates are shown in the table below:

Registration will be done once and will be renewable annually. This registration is for all system users to allow access to the Trade Facilitation Platform (TFP) Services. Applications will be done through the user registration web link on the KenTrade’s website ( Details will be validated, and applicants advised to make payments for registration. Once payments are confirmed, Users will be trained, the account will be created, and passwords sent to respective applicant’s email addresses.
The Shipping Agent will create and submit an IAR. Upon successful submission, the system will generate a pop-up message of successful submission and make payment. The applicant can then proceed to the payment menu on the pending payment section and selects the payment mode i.e., e-Citizen and proceed to pay the applicable fees.
The applicant (Importer/Exporter, Development Agency) will create and submit an exemption. Upon successful submission, the system will generate a pop-up message of successful submission and make payment. The applicant can then proceed to the payment menu on the pending payment section and select the payment mode i.e., e-Citizen and proceed to pay the applicable fees.
The UCR is automatically generated from the base document/IDF, and the status will be set to ‘Pending Payment’. When an applicant wishes to apply for a permit, they are required to make a payment for the UCR before the permit can be created. The applicant can then proceed to the payment menu on the pending payment section and select the payment mode i.e., e-Citizen and proceed to pay the applicable fees.
The Annual Access fee is per Company.
All UCRs generated including the child UCR will be paid for. The charges are not tied to any Partner Government Agencies (PGA) permits.
Declarants who move to a new company will be required to pay for registration when they are created in the new company. Training may not be necessary depending on when they were last trained.
Declarants in this case will pay for each individual UCR.
The declarant will pay for the UCR, and the rest of the process remains as is.
All UCRs created in the Trade Facilitation Platform will attract a fee of 10 United States Dollars per request or its equivalent in Kenya Shillings.
All UCRs created in the Trade Facilitation Platform (TFP) will attract a fee of 10 United States Dollars (USD).
For a UCR to be used, it must be paid for.
UCR fees collected are non-refundable.
Yes, in cases where a user applies for pre-clearance permits. For clearance permits such as KEBs the IDF, these will be auto approved as is the case today to allow a user to lodge a declaration. When declaration is transmitted to Trade Facilitation Platform, a user will have to pay for the UCR to be able to lodge permits.
Kenya Trade Network Agency
1st Floor Embankment Plaza, Longonot Road, Upper Hill
P.O. Box 36943 – 00200
Telephone – +254 (20) 4965000, 0709950000.